Monday, December 13, 2010

Blizzard Aiden

December 11 & 12, 2010: First Blizzard of the Season

This wonderful storm only dropped about 10 inches on us here in Neenah but just north of us saw anywhere between 10-22 inches of snow.  We had significant blowing and drifting and then the part where our snow stopped but the ice started was a really great bonus ... yeah right!  Steve headed out with the girls to snowblow the 3 foot drift at the end of our driveway from when the plow went through and the snowblower died.  I don't mean, "let's take it in to get serviced",  I mean DIED.  I'm not sure if it's a sign or something telling us to move out of this horrible climate or what.  Anyway, then lunch rolls around and I noticed that Emma was burning up with a fever and 5 minutes later she was throwing up.  Poor baby!  I hate it when they get sick ... and I'm sure that Blizzard Aiden brought the nasty little virus her way.  Finally, this morning, here we are.  Just about every school in the state is delayed 2 hours because of windchills (except for Neenah of course) ... did I mention that the blizzard brought arctic temperatures and today we are forecasted for a high of 0?  Ugh ... only one thing I can think of to say at this point.  I'd much rather have a Reeses Peanut Butter Cup Blizzard from DQ than this kind!!!  Note: photos below are of the windows that we were looking out of yesterday - snow and ice filled.  Not much of a view!

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