Thursday, December 23, 2010

Cupcakes and Christmas Celebrations!

As you may know, I've been making cupcakes for about a year now.  Occasionally I do them for birthday parties or just for fun but I was really excited to get my first "BIG" order earlier this week.  Lakeview's PTO needed 400 of them for the holiday parties that happened yesterday and I'm thrilled to say that I delivered!  I've got it down to a science now, I think.  If I do mini-cupcakes I can bake 4 dozen at a time which means that I can bang out 32 dozen cupcakes in one hour, approximately and I can do 16 dozen regular sized cupcakes in one hour.  I had cupcakes EVERYWHERE but they looked great and tasted pretty good too!  The kids were excited and the teachers were even more excited since they've been stripped of all "unhealthy treats" including their soda and coffee machines.  That's a topic I won't get on though because I will rant for hours.  Anyway, after we delivered the goods, Steve and I were off to enjoy the holiday party with Maggie.  She was so excited that we came - it was a great day!  Now, CHRISTMAS, here we come!!  Merry Christmas to everyone from the Mantel's!

1 comment:

  1. What recipe do you use for the chocolate cupcake? I haven't found one yet that I love. Great job!
