Throughout my 31 years of life I've learned a lot of lessons. Some hard, some easy, some happy and some sad. Some are necessary and some fill my head with useless information that I'll never use. Today I was reminded of 2 of my favorite and most helpful lessons.
Lesson Number 1: True Friends are hard to find but when you find one, keep her because she'll be one of the most important people in your life. She will stand by you when things are bad and cry with you on the phone, she will laugh with you at silly jokes, she will sing out loud to songs that you both love, she will be the person that gives you comfort. She will be the person that you think about when you are sitting in on airplane on the runway when your plane is about to take off because you know without a doubt that if something happens to you on this trip, she will be the person that will comfort, love and hold your babies when you can't.
Lesson Number 2: If you have something to say to someone, are trying to resolve a situation or have an issue, make a phone call and do not, under any circumstance, SEND AN E-MAIL. E-mails have a way of creating bigger problems. You can say that the sky is blue but it will come across to who ever you are writing to that you are saying that the sky is red. I have learned this lesson time and time again but cannot seem to figure it out.